Thrive Amidst Challenge

Coaching for parents of children struggling with PDA Autism or extremely sensitive nervous systems.

You are a parent who holds different facets to their life!

You deserve to feel safe and empowered, to have your confidence strengthened and your life enhanced.

My coaching programs have been created to support and empower parents of children with mental health disorders, complex behaviors, trauma histories, etc. This includes those parenting children with challenges including PDA Autism, ADHD, Autism, substance abuse, self harm, eating disorders, attachment disorders, and others.

It is possible to escape survival mode. Take control of your health. Reconnect and reawaken.   Become a ‘self’ again.

You are NOT alone.

Parenting a child who is neurodivergent or struggling with mental health can be extremely challenging.

Conventional parenting advice falls short. This is a complete paradigm shift. We need to learn new methods, which can be hard to find and difficult to implement without support.

This journey can be incredibly overwhelming and isolating. Our partners may even struggle to empathize, leaving us feeling powerless, losing our sense of self, and even hope. I get it! I’ve been - and still am - on a similar journey.

In our coaching relationship, there's no judgment—just understanding, guidance, education, and a partnership. Prioritizing your own health, mental and physical, is essential. Especially for parents of struggling kids!

Our children learn best from our modeling. You will learn to manage your stress regulation and build your resilience, which will also help you support your child with the same. You will learn how to best communicate with connection, avoid escalation, manage crisis, hold healthy boundaries, and prioritize yourself within your relationship.

Coaching will lead to your becoming your best version of parent, woman, and of YOU.

Coaching Programs

  • Private Coaching

    1:1 private coaching program focused on your needs - educational and coach-based.

  • Parent Group Coaching

    Small group coaching programs.

    Education and coaching support within a safe container of other parents who ‘get it’!

Schedule a free consultation today!

There’s no commitment, pressure, or obligation.

“With Amy’s help, I have made significant progress and look forward to continuing our work together!”

— Kelley