Welcome to your village.

You keep hearing that ‘it takes a village’, and it truly does! But where is this mythical village?? If you have felt isolated, overwhelmed, and chronically stressed with parenting your ND child… take a breath. You’re here.

Welcome to your village.


Parenting PDA Children ~ Group Coaching Program


Illuminate is an 8-week group program that will provide a foundation for you to move out of chronic stress & burnout while building your PDA parenting knowledge and skills!

Illuminate is based on the S.A.F.E. parent education & coaching methodology that was created specifically for parents of PDA autism children. 

 The goals of this program include:

  • decreasing stress and avoiding parent burnout

  • gaining education and tools to increase your parenting effectiveness

  • receiving support and coaching through real-life parenting situations

 As your knowledge of holistic, trauma-informed, brain-based, and connective parenting concepts grows, so will your confidence.

You will find growth and transformation from the mix of education and coaching support PLUS the community benefits of small group learning with other parents who ‘get it’!

If you are ready for a change in your life and your family, this is your first step!

Welcome to your village.


Level II Parenting PDA Children


Empower is a 6-month group program that takes a deeper dive into the concepts introduced in the Illuminate program.

Empower is a program that will help you develop a base of self-understanding, get unstuck, gain clarity.

You will find yourself in a safe space where you can disembark from the emotional roller coaster you have been riding with your child. You can be the parent your child needs while thriving as a self! It’s easy to lose this ability when parenting a struggling child, and we will guide you forward.

Tools + Methodology + Community + Coaching = a new level of support to propel you into becoming the parent and the self that you are meant to be!

Modules include:

  • Understanding neurodiversity and PDA

  • Self-reflection and awareness

  • Stress management techniques

  • Somatic movement/body awareness workshop hosted by guest speaker

  • Building resilience

  • Communication strategies

  • Creating support systems

  • Finding joy and purpose

  • Reflection and moving forward